What we offer

What We Offer


We're not a travel agency. However, over time and with the help of our clients, we've built a network of friends who assist us in ensuring that our guests can make the most of their journey.

We function somewhat like concierges at top hotels, striving to address your requests, particularly regarding your travels.


When we help you plan your trip, we consider several factors:

  • Your interests,
  • Distances to cover,
  • Road conditions,
  • People's fitness level,
  • Planned budget (hotel services can range from €20 to over €100 per night).


Our network of tourism service providers, whose quality, rates, and strengths we know, makes our job easier.

This enables us to tailor YOUR experience.

And to provide you with precise instructions, as well as for the driver.

But there are constants...



Your journey begins after customs at the airport where we will welcome you.

and ends when you check-in for your return (already, alas).

Last edited: 25/09/2024